
Center Turn Lanes are for turning only!

“From both a safety and a ‘bad experience’ perspective, it’s important that everyone traveling on Highway 76 use the Center Turn Lane properly,” said Preston Garrison, Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “Their purpose is to help drivers make a left turn from a lane. It’s a safe spot to wait while the oncoming traffic clears and allows the continued flow of following traffic. It’s not a driving, passing, or acceleration lane,” he added.

Garrison points out the Branson Police Department is stressing “the center lane of Highway 76 is to be used ONLY as a turn lane. A number of safety risks to pedestrians and construction workers are present, especially with construction crews working along Hwy 76. Motorists should be aware that driving in the center lane is against the law. Those found driving in the turn lane will be issued a ticket and fined.”

Here are some suggestions and guidelines for using the Center Turn Lane correctly:

Don’t pull into the lane until you are a short distance from the spot where you want to turn.

Once in the Center Turn Lane stop and wait for the traffic in the on-coming lane to clear.

Make a safe left turn.

You are in a risky safety and ticketing position if, while in the Center Turn Lane, you pass another vehicle, speed up, or drive past one of the marked turn locations.

“No one wants to have an accident or get a ticket, especially on vacation,” Garrison said. “Let’s avoid both by having patience, showing courtesy to other drivers, and using the Center Turn Lane properly. It’s a win-win!”

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