Tammy Scholten tamara.scholten@am.jll.com Branson Landing 417-239-3002 bransonlanding.com 100 Branson Landing Branson, MO 65616 |
HCW Development Co., LLC a Missouri Limited Liability company headquartered in Branson, Missouri today announced the results of the Hunden Strategic Partners “Branson Landing Economic, Fiscal & Employment Impact Analysis.” The Study commissioned by HCW, takes an in-depth review of the amount of taxes generated onsite to repay bonds and cover the Branson Landing debt service. Additionally, the study highlights the mix-use attraction and the economic implications relative to job creation and creating a destination market.
According to the study, “Through 2012, $50 million had been generated onsite to repay bonds and this has kept pace with debt service as it occurred, post-opening, and should have surpassed it as of 2013.”
Additionally, “the Project has generated visitation, spending and jobs for the other Branson attractions, which also has generated local taxes and in our estimate, another $50 million in tax revenue has been generated throughout the economy for spending by those who, but for the Branson Landing, would not have come to Branson or spent money throughout its economy.” The report goes on to say, “The total spending for Branson Landing totaled $3.3 billion over the period, and $1.1 billion in earnings, supported more than 7,000 full time equivalent jobs and nearly $100 million in taxes collected from the ongoing operations. The one-time construction impact supported more than 3,500 job-years.”
Rick Huffman, CEO of HCW said, “It’s been almost eight (8) years since the Branson Landing had its grand opening and the Hunden report clearly shows, the Branson Landing project is paying its own way! Our company and the people that work so hard to make this project successful, can be proud of the results and the contributions the development has made to the community of Branson.” Huffman stated: “Branson Landing is a premiere lifestyle development and an asset the City of Branson and the whole community can be proud of and we will continue to be good stewards of the development.”
To review the full Hunden Strategic Partners Economic, Fiscal & Employment Impact Analysis report go to: www.hcwdevelopment.com and click on the link identified by the same name.
HCW, LLC is a nationwide development company with offices in Wichita, KS, Branson, MO, and Phoenix, AZ. HCW, LLC is widely known for its unique ability to assess the needs and wishes of a community and bring esthetically appropriate development that blends with the best features of each community. For more information about HCW, LLC and HCW Development Co., LLC please visit http://www.HCWDevelopment.com or call 417.332.3400.
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