
College of the Ozarks To Hold 9-11 Flag Memorial
By: Ashley Bench

College of the Ozarks will hold a flag display and ceremony Sunday, Sept. 11, at 9 a.m. to honor those whose lives were taken during the September 11, 2001 attacks.

The flag display, which consists of nearly 3,000 American flags—one for each person lost in the 9-11 attacks, will be up the entire day of September 11, on the Alumni Center lawn at the campus entrance.

The College welcomes members of the community to visit the memorial during daylight hours, as well as attend a ceremony at 9 a.m. on the Alumni Center parking lot.

“It is vital that we do not forget our fellow Americans whose lives were taken on September 11, 2001,” said Elizabeth Hughes, public relations director. “This year marks the tenth anniversary of the tragedy, but the ninth, eleventh or twelfth anniversaries are as important as the tenth anniversary. The College began holding the memorial several years ago as a reminder. Otherwise, the tragedy might be forgotten. Americans cannot afford to forget such events.”

Every September 11, the College flies an official 9-11 Remembrance Flag on the main flagpole located at the campus. During the ceremony, the 9-11 Remembrance Flag will be raised.

For more information on the 9-11 Memorial, please contact the Public Relations Office at (417) 690-2212.

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